The Last Couple Days

So I've been sitting here, still Joe-less, for the past weekend.

Well, that's sort of inaccurate. I haven't been sitting much. Had an amazing bonfire over the weekend (We do that sometimes) and I also got up at eight thirty on saturday morning to sing the national anthem at a baseball field and then get owned by some fifth grader who sang "my country tis of thee". Sunday was a little better, though I had to take the Dalton home, and I was unreasonably pissed.

Today sucked.

However, I am one of those people that appreciates a terrible day, if it's so terrible it can be comical.

I'll give you the run-down:

Woke up at 12:45. Had breakfast in a bowl that I figured out too late was dirty. Went and got my guitarist, Justin. Got back just in time to take Stp out to the dentist for his appointment (I know you don't know any of these people. I'm doing this to spite you.), and waited a half an hour, beating Justin at Street Fighter IV in Gamestop. We got back to the house, and Stp and his female went to a corresponding love-making session upstairs while we sat and did nothing for a while. Eventually, we went to Dylan's. It was fun, for about fifteen minutes. Then his dad left. Dyl got in an argument / fight with his sister, who called the cops on him. Then Dylan got arrested. We had to wait in his house while his dad was going to get home, and then, when it was cleared up that his mom was going to go find him, we decided to leave. We went back to my house, where I went on 4chan and watched threads about people dying for an hour. I passed the time waiting to drop off Stp's female by being on my computer, again. At midnight, we left to take her home.

And when we came back, things started to change. Stp and I recorded another one of our very-old talk sessions (Which are absolutely hilarious, let me tell you...) and then, we got in contact with a pair of females.

Currently, one of said females is knocked out with her legs in my lap. The other female is next to me on the computer, watching Madigascar but too high to actually sit through it.

I don't smoke, so I'm sort of laughing at her.

Today got better, I suppose.


For the record, you won't hear pointless bullshit about my life anymore, this is purely to keep me awake.


Joe Alden said...

You, good sir, lead an interesting life

Rik said...

Bahaha. Today i trekked halfway across my town to pick up a bicycle in pouring rain because I felt like it. and I dragged an Alex along with me.

I didn't take the Gunship.

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