On Haircuts

So. Yesterday I got my hair cut. First of all, I usually keep my hair medium-long, and I like it that way, so I didn't really get much cut off. Texturizing, or some crazy shit like that. Basically I was just getting it "cleaned up" or something similar. Point is, I got some hair removed and paid a woman to do so.

But I'm not here to talk about the actual haircut (I think my hair is fugly half the time anyways). I'm actually here to talk about the goddam mirror.

Seriously, when you're sitting in that barber's chair, you have nothing to do but to stare into that freaking mirror in front of you while your barber person thing does their work. Sure, you can make some small talk with the person, but especially when you're a person like me, a socially awkward white teenage boy, the conversation will eventually fall to silence and you're back to just looking at that mirror, listening to oftentimes thoroughly blah pop songs on the radio over the sound of electric razors.

Let me tell you, those mirror's can e entrancing, mystifying, but they are above all a self-esteem test. Looking into a mirror like that makes you really see all the various flaws in your face. I found myself thinking "My cheeks look chubby; Does one of my eyes always sorta squint like that? Goddammit there's those symmetrical moles again!" I couldn't help but analyze every aspect of my face in some sorta negative light. I never realized my chin looked the way it does!

As soon as one steps away from the mirror, however, things seem to go back to normal as all your focus is taken off of your face. But goddam it's a powerful force. I swear it's all a conspiracy! You go to the barber's and they do a little with your hair, this and that and then it's all OHMAGAWD I need to go buy some skin care products or some lotion or this and that and blah blah blah. It's all "The Man" trying to get you to buy more stuff!

Luckily I'm just too smooth to fall for such ploys.


Rik said...

Symmetrical moles are better than asymmetrical moles.

And yes, you have always done that squinty-thing.

Gives you character, mate.

Joe Alden said...

Heh, the squinty thing wasn't really something I was "worried" about (quote-unquote). It's just something about myself I never really noticed until just the other day

Makes me kinda feel like Thom Yorke, only he has a legitimate medical condition. And he's nucking futs. But totally awesome.

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