
Evenin' folks,

I am the third contributor of this amazing Blog. Obviously my name is Jake, But you can call me Jake or Andy if you like :D

So leme just say a few things about myself and let you be on your way. Assuming your not just some random spam bot or the Google search engine... ;_;

I'm like the weirdo among nerds. Now, since your a spam bot or a search engine, you might not understand how I can be a different class of nerds. Well let me try to explain it.

Lets say that there is a scale. On the left of the scale, you have those people who are on drugs and steroids or are just jocks, have an actual life, but are extreme when it comes to FPS's. Their the kind of person you'll find flipping out on Gears of War, or talking about Call of Duty with as many swears as possible. They are talking about a nerdy subject, but are making it sound EXTREME and badass.

Then we got the right side. This is like the nerds that play D+D, Civ, WoW, Have some super computer, Spend most of their life on their ass inside, etc...

So, First we got Joe. Joe, our all loving creator and god, is sort of mid-righish. He plays all those nerdy games, but actualy has a life. Sort of. Not really. Ok he has MORE of a life than we do... and hes a total pimp. With both ladies and guys ;-)

Then we got Yogo. Yogo is far right. Yogo is also wicked fat. He sits on his ass all day and plays WoW and D+D. Occasionally he might go play B-Ball.. But that doesent count! His life consists of being smart and wasting his intellegence on games :P, or trying to out-do the GM in D+D. Far right.


I play D+D and nerd out on that, but I measure it out with Gears. I camley tactize in civ against my enemies, and flip out like 2 year old kid on Halo 3. I go outside occasionaly, but own the best computer amongst the nerds. You might say "But jake, your totally on the middle then!" BUT ID SAY YOUR WRONG. Im both far left and far right. and I hate the image of far lefters even though I am, I dont like the usual fat acne ridden nerd of the far right, SO IM NOT EVEN ON THE GRAPH!

Now that i've wasted my "short" talk about me on my rant, let me just list off my interests.

I play soccer, but not so much anymore. Will get back into it.
I play like every game ever, but I find FPS's most appealing.
I am fariley tech saavy, but know nothing about networking.
I know basic VB, C++ and Java, and hope to learn more about the latter 2 later in life.
I drive a Honda Accord, and hope to drive a motorcycle some day (Probably a honda :P)

My goals in life:
-Create a game from the base up (Never gonna happen though)
-Go to a disputed region of the world and help. Probably Darfur if its still shit by the time I get there
-Live somewhere in the middle east for a few months or a year (And probably die.)
- Go telescoping in Australia
-Get everybody in a bar to have a huge fight. And come out the winner.
- Be in a Motorcyle chase on the highway (GTA anybody...)
-Have a computer that totally wrecks my rival in computers. (His is currently blue and better than mine ;_;)
- Make sure the Gov't stops being a power hungry growing dick that likes to rape the world.

There ya go! Now you know stuff about me :D

Ill try to keep my blogging to just rants, game reviews, and observations on stuff (Society, Industries, School, etc..)
Feel free to comment or send a flame letter to me




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