On Site Maintenance

First of all, I lol'd really hard at the above picture when I was looking up something to use for this post. You can't not look at it and giggle a little bit.

Anyways, I'm planning on doing some work on the blog in order to make things a bit smoother, more condensed, easier to read, etc. etc. As it is right now, with my ridiculously long posts, one has to scroll for ages to reach the older articles, and that's no fun. Also, I'm not really a fan of the font right now 'cos it seems to be just a bit too small. And I already changed this, but I moved the author for each post to the top, so the reader can immediately see that "Oh no, Joe's making another post on stupid stuff, I'm gonna skip it and go read one of Rik's things/Yogo's reviews/Jake's rants!"

I'll be looking into this and more, possibly trying to customize the site a little bit and make it look a bit cooler and more unique. So if you (the reader) have any suggestions you'd like to put forth, feel free to go ahead and leave me a suggestion in the comment's section. And other authors...please don't go overboard with ridiculousness while I do said tweaking. Danke.


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