Nerd World: Streetfighter 4

Double barcodes on incense
For my first trick I will be reviewing my favorite fighting series newest game Street Fighter 4. When I was a kid my first fighting game i ever played was Street Fighter 2 on the Genesis. I used to play it for hours as Ryu (because he had the only moves i knew). Ever since they announced SF4 I have wanted to get it and last week I had enough money to get it, so heres my thoughts on it. If you have ever played a Street Fighter and liked it this is the game for you. The controls for the original characters are similar so old fans can get right into the game and have a sense of familiarity. Even if you have not played it I suggest you badger a friend to get it and at least try it, the game play is different from that of Soul Caliber, Virtual Fighter and etc. Unlike those games that have gone from the 2D fields to become 3D in how you can move SF4 sticks to its roots and stays 2D and pulls it off fantastically. The moves are more complicated than other fighting games allowing people with knowledge of their character to beat the annoying SPAMMERS (YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE).I am not saying that I can do that but I have faced people that just combo me to death :(.

Which brings me to my next point internet play. I have not dived to deep into this but like most online fighting games it can be a good fight or a horrible one depending on both your and your opponents connection. Now my connection is always in the green but i ran into some horrible connections which ended with me not being able to control my character and dieing to retard i should be able to beat.

Now about the Art, in video games most people disregard art and just go into how real it looks and bla bla bla. Personally i dont care if its two pixels in a big pixel if the game play is good ill play it. Now you might be asking yourself "if Yogo doesnt care about art why is he bringing it up". Well my reader i bring this up because the art is like mixing the old arcade days with the modern 3D days. The characters still have that arcade 90's feel but they look amazing, I truly love what they did for the Aesthetics of SF.

Onto the characters, if you have followed the series you probably noticed that Ryu, Ken and Akuma have always had the same or at least similar moves. Well that is still true but they did a much better job at dividing them up. Ryu now has a better Hadouken and Tatsumaki Senpuu-Kyaku (Hurricane Kick), whereas Ken has an amazing Shoryuken, and Akuma can teleport and has other new moves that are still hard for me to pull off. Besides those characters the others are very unique in speed, power, and moves. Personally my favorites are Sakura and Cammy. Sakura has some of Ryu's moves which helps me get used to her faster because of the amount i used to play Ryu and she can combo much better than Ryu in my opinion, and Cammy because she is fast and she has moves that are very versatile.

So over all if your a SF fan this is a must buy, and if your not I would try it first to see if you like how its set up first. You have reached the end of my first Video Game review congrats....


O CRAP forgot to rate it sorry. I rate my stuff on thumbs 10 thumbs up being perfect 0 thumbs being the creator should go on a deserted island and stay there for all eternity. So for SF4 I give it 9 Thumbs up.

~Yogo (for real this time)


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