On Victory

Earlier today I was having a dicussion with my comrade in arms (aka friend slash associate) Vlad Firoiu (don't ask me how to pronounce that). I can't quite remember what we were talking about, but eventually I brought up the discovery of my old, old Gameboy, and I'm not talking about no SP or Advance or Micro or even Color. No, I'm talking about the original Gameboy, the freaking brick, the one I grew up playing with and dropping down my basement stairs, noticing no difference between pre and post droppage. The thing was freaking indestructable! But I digress, my various Gameboys and my growing up and such are stories left for a different (yet equally inane, remember this!) post. No my friends, we are here to talk about something different. Something that was just as close to me as my Gameboy. Something large, mean, and not-really-green-'cos-he's-actually-orangey-and-yellow-with-a-bit-of-blue-there-I-guess. Something....in bold, italicized print!

Something called....Charizard.

Like I mentioned, Charizard was another important part of my childhood. Charmander was the first Pokemon I ever got, and Charizard was a direct evolution of that. I struggled with him, I triumphed with him. We laughed, cried, and jumped for joy together (well, mostly me, though I like to imagine my little 2d sprite of a friend could do those things). So needless to say I was more than a little taken aback when this Vlad character tried to convince me that Charizard was capable of using the move Fly in Pokemons Red and Blue. 

Having played Blue for the greater part of my original Gameboy's lifespan (and even now when I get bored), I knew for a fact that Charizard couldn't use Fly. But Vlad was absolutely certain, as he always is, that he's right, and 90% of the time he is. But this was more than him questioning whether or not Charizard could fly. No no no, it was much more than that. By questioning the abilities of my Pokemon brother, he was questioning my very childhood. And such an injustice could not stand.

And so the battle began. Or at least it did for me, I don't think he really cared that much, as these things often go. Vlad had an extensive knowledge of all things Pokemon (go figure), which only bolstered his confidence. He quickly directed me to a website that contained (you'll never guess it), all things Pokemon. And horror upon horrors, a great blow was dealt to me.

This site claimed Charizard could use Fly!

But, being the crafty Pokemaster that I am (insert mwahahahah), I noticed that it lumped together Red, Blue, and Yellow into one category. "Aha!" I probably said both aloud and in my head. "This site lumps Red, Blue, and Yellow into one category!" Yet Vlad was still adamant. Frustrated, but with this singular point backing me and my childhood up, I quickly scoured the interwebs, hoping and praying for something, anything, to prove me right.

And, after maybe five or so minutes of searching later, I came upon this:

"Can't in Red/Blue
 Can in Yellow"

This simple, short post was all I needed. I jumped in the air, shouted for joy, and let out a big YAWP, for I had been victorious!

And thus, I won the day, and my childhood was preserved. 

The fact that I've spent the last twenty minutes posting about a debate over a single Pokemon and it's capabilities, and enjoyed every minute of it, shows that it truly is the simple things in life that keeps one going.


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