Video Madness

Hot on the heels of my "I'm returning!" post comes this, my first in hopefully many new innovations and posts and things I'm totally not ripping off other blogs no way no sir! I will share to you, my audience, videos from the bowels of the internet which I find to be amusing, interesting, or anything that otherwise catches my interest. Fun!

Today's video has been floating around for a while (over a year according to the Youtube page), but only recently came to my attention. Titled "Overdrift," this video is made of win and awesomesauce. It cleverly satires the ridiculous obsession with "drifting" that some underground racers and wannabe racers that enjoy playing "Need for Speed" seem to have. The video is about a guy who's brother seemingly disappears and dies during a drifting race 10 years ago, who now finds he has to fill his brother's shoes. As it turns out the protagonist's brother didn't die but drifted so hard he went into "Overdrift" and was transported to the D Dimension, the dimensions the dinosaurs fled to when they faced extinction, and also a place where they drift all the time. The protagonist discovers all this when his brother appears before him and tells him he has to fulfill the prophecy of the D Dimension and be the one who can cross between both worlds. More drifting and ridiculousness ensue.

The whole video is drifting between two different dimensions of ridiculous and clever at the same time (see what I did thar?), and is highly enjoyable. If you're someone like me and somehow missed out on it, I highly recommend you watch this video.




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